For any feed formulator, the ability to formulate feed accurately and efficiently is an essential part of their daily operations. Using quality feed formulation software can help streamline their workflow, increase accuracy, and deliver quicker results. In this guide, we will explore the advantages of using feed formulation software, as well as provide some key considerations when selecting a solution for your business needs.  

Accuracy is key

When it comes to producing safe and cost-effective feed for animals, accuracy is paramount. Feed formulation software provides the necessary tools and data to accurately formulate feed mixtures that meet both nutritional requirements and cost-efficiency goals. With its sophisticated algorithms, users can quickly calculate useful nutritional information such as energy amino acid levels, and Vitamin content in addition to other nutrients required by farm animals. It also makes it easier to manage multiple formulations simultaneously while flagging any potential conflicts or errors ahead of time. This helps ensure that the final product meets all industry requirements while minimizing time spent reformulating feeds or dealing with possible legal repercussions due to incorrect labeling or nutrient levels.  


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Cost savings from efficient use of raw materials

In addition to improved accuracy, feed formulation software provides many other benefits including cost savings from more efficient use of raw materials and a decrease in human error which can lead to waste and additional costs associated with non-compliance issues. The ability to quickly generate reports on nutritional composition allows for easy comparison between different formulations for better decision-making regarding ingredient selection and pricing. Furthermore, integration with other software (like logistics or accounting software) helps automate processes for increased efficiency across departments.  

How to select the right tool?

Selecting a suitable feed formulation software system should not be taken lightly; several factors must be considered when making your choice. Some key considerations include ease of implementation (can the system be integrated into existing workflows easily?), user-friendliness (is the system intuitive enough so that employees do not require extensive training?), and scalability (does the system have enough features so it can grow alongside your business?). Finally, you should consider whether the vendor offers ongoing support or maintenance services such as providing updates on new regulations or new versions of its products - these services can save your business money eventually by ensuring you always remain compliant with industry standards.  

At the end of the day deciding which feed formulation software best suits your needs comes down to research and understanding what features are most important for your business operations; make sure you know exactly what resources are available before committing yourself financially! By choosing carefully you will unlock all the advantages mentioned above as well as achieve a significant competitive advantage over competitors who do not utilize modern technology solutions in their operations. 


As a feed-producing company the volumes to process, the legislation imposed, and the time pressure to get feed to the market are so high you cannot do this without an appropriate tool. The fact that we deliver our software already close to 50 years to the industry is only more proof that the feed industry saw the need to digitize their data and processes